Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

1. Introduction

Sausage gravy breakfast pizza is a unique and hearty dish that combines the best of breakfast into one mouthwatering meal. This culinary delight brings together the rich flavors of sausage gravy, eggs, and cheese atop a crispy pizza crust. Perfect for a weekend brunch or a special breakfast occasion, this dish is sure to satisfy even the heartiest of appetites.


2. History and Evolution of Breakfast Pizza

Early Origins of Breakfast Pizza

  • Traditional Breakfasts: The concept of combining breakfast ingredients on a pizza crust has roots in traditional breakfasts that feature sausage, gravy, and eggs.
  • Culinary Innovations: The idea evolved as chefs and home cooks experimented with new ways to serve breakfast favorites.

Popularization in the United States

  • Diner Culture: Breakfast pizzas became popular in American diners, known for their hearty and inventive breakfast offerings.
  • Frozen Food Aisle: Commercialization led to the availability of frozen breakfast pizzas in grocery stores, making the dish accessible to a wider audience.

Modern Variations and Trends

  • Gourmet Twists: Modern versions include gourmet ingredients like artisanal cheeses, organic sausages, and fresh herbs.
  • Dietary Adaptations: There are now gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan versions of sausage gravy breakfast pizza to cater to various dietary preferences.


3. Key Ingredients and Their Importance

Sausage Gravy

  • Ingredients: Ground sausage, flour, milk, and spices.
  • Flavor Profile: The sausage gravy is rich and creamy, with a savory flavor that forms the base of the pizza.

Pizza Crust

  • Types of Crusts: Traditional, thin crust, or biscuit dough.
  • Importance: The crust needs to be sturdy enough to hold the toppings but also tender and flavorful.


  • Varieties Used: Cheddar, mozzarella, or a blend.
  • Function: Cheese adds creaminess and helps bind the toppings together.


  • Preparation Methods: Scrambled, fried, or poached.
  • Role: Eggs add protein and enhance the breakfast theme.

Additional Toppings

  • Common Choices: Vegetables like bell peppers and onions, or herbs like chives and parsley.
  • Customization: Toppings can be adjusted to personal preference, adding both flavor and nutritional value.


4. Nutritional Information

Caloric Content

  • Serving Size: A typical slice of sausage gravy breakfast pizza.
  • Calories: Varies based on ingredients, generally around 300-400 calories per slice.


  • Protein: Sausage and eggs provide a significant amount of protein.
  • Fats: Cheese and sausage contribute to the fat content.
  • Carbohydrates: Primarily from the pizza crust.

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Calcium: From cheese.
  • Iron: From sausage.
  • Vitamin A and C: From vegetable toppings.


5. Health Considerations

Potential Health Benefits

  • Protein-Rich: Helps in muscle building and repair.
  • Calcium: Important for bone health.
  • Versatility: Can be adapted to include more vegetables for added nutrients.

Dietary Restrictions

  • Gluten-Free Options: Use gluten-free crust.
  • Lower Calorie Versions: Opt for lean sausage and reduced-fat cheese.
  • Vegan Alternatives: Use plant-based sausage and dairy-free cheese.


6. How to Make Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

Ingredients List

  • Pizza Dough or Biscuit Dough: 1 package or homemade.
  • Ground Sausage: 1 pound.
  • Flour: 2 tablespoons.
  • Milk: 2 cups.
  • Cheese: 2 cups shredded (cheddar or mozzarella).
  • Eggs: 4 large.
  • Salt and Pepper: To taste.
  • Optional Toppings: Chopped vegetables, herbs.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing the Sausage Gravy

  1. Cook Sausage: In a skillet, cook ground sausage over medium heat until browned.
  2. Make Roux: Sprinkle flour over sausage and stir well to combine.
  3. Add Milk: Gradually add milk, stirring constantly until gravy thickens.
  4. Season: Add salt and pepper to taste.

Preparing the Crust

  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Roll Out Dough: Roll out pizza dough or biscuit dough to desired thickness.
  3. Pre-Bake Crust: Bake the crust for about 5-7 minutes until slightly firm.

Assembling the Pizza

  1. Spread Gravy: Evenly spread sausage gravy over the pre-baked crust.
  2. Add Cheese: Sprinkle shredded cheese over the gravy.
  3. Add Eggs: Crack eggs directly onto the pizza or add scrambled eggs.
  4. Optional Toppings: Add any additional toppings.

Baking the Pizza

  1. Final Bake: Bake pizza in the oven for 10-12 minutes until cheese is melted and eggs are cooked to your preference.
  2. Cool and Serve: Let pizza cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.


7. Tips for Perfect Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

Choosing the Right Sausage

  • Flavor Profile: Opt for a sausage that suits your taste, such as spicy or mild.
  • Quality: Use high-quality sausage for the best flavor.

Making a Crispy Crust

  • Pre-Baking: Always pre-bake the crust to avoid a soggy bottom.
  • Thickness: Roll out the dough to your preferred thickness for the desired texture.

Perfecting the Gravy

  • Consistency: Ensure the gravy is thick enough to stay on the pizza without running off.
  • Seasoning: Taste the gravy before spreading it on the pizza and adjust seasoning as needed.

Cooking the Eggs

  • Timing: Add the eggs halfway through the final bake if you prefer runny yolks.
  • Even Distribution: Make sure eggs are evenly distributed for consistent flavor in every bite.


8. Variations of Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

Vegetarian Version

  • Plant-Based Sausage: Use vegetarian sausage alternatives.
  • Dairy-Free Cheese: Use vegan cheese options.
  • Additional Vegetables: Load up on vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms.

Gluten-Free Version

  • Gluten-Free Dough: Use a store-bought or homemade gluten-free pizza crust.
  • Check Ingredients: Ensure all other ingredients, like sausage and cheese, are gluten-free.

Spicy Version

  • Hot Sausage: Use spicy sausage or add red pepper flakes to the gravy.
  • Spicy Cheese: Use a pepper jack cheese for an added kick.

Gourmet Version

  • Artisanal Sausage: Use high-quality, artisanal sausage.
  • Gourmet Cheese: Incorporate cheeses like gouda or gruyere.
  • Fresh Herbs: Garnish with fresh herbs like basil or thyme.


9. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overloading Toppings

  • Balance: Avoid adding too many toppings which can result in an unevenly cooked pizza.
  • Weight: Too many toppings can make the crust soggy or difficult to handle.

Undercooking the Crust

  • Pre-Bake: Always pre-bake the crust to ensure it cooks through.
  • Check Doneness: Ensure the crust is golden brown and crispy before removing from the oven.

Inconsistent Gravy

  • Thickening: Make sure the gravy is thick enough to avoid a runny pizza.
  • Flavor: Season the gravy adequately for a well-balanced flavor.


10. Serving Suggestions

Breakfast and Brunch

  • Accompaniments: Serve with a side of fresh fruit or a light salad.
  • Drinks: Pair with coffee, tea, or a breakfast cocktail like a mimosa.

Family Gatherings

  • Portion Sizes: Cut into smaller pieces for easy sharing.
  • Buffet Style: Include as part of a breakfast buffet with other morning favorites.

Special Occasions

  • Presentation: Garnish with fresh herbs and serve on a decorative platter.
  • Theme: Incorporate into themed brunches or holiday breakfasts.


11. Storing and Reheating


  • Storage: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Shelf Life: Consume within 3-4 days for best quality.


  • Preparation: Wrap individual slices in plastic wrap and then foil.
  • Storage Time: Can be frozen for up to 2 months.


  • Oven: Reheat in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for 10-15 minutes until heated through.
  • Microwave: For a quicker option, reheat in the microwave, though the crust may lose some crispiness.


12. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I make this pizza ahead of time?

  • Yes: Prepare the pizza up to the baking stage, cover, and refrigerate. Bake fresh when ready to serve.

Can I use store-bought gravy?

  • Absolutely: Store-bought gravy can save time, though homemade gravy often has a richer flavor.

What type of sausage works best?

  • Preference-Based: Choose a sausage that matches your taste preferences, whether it be spicy, mild, or flavored.

Is there a vegetarian version?

  • Yes: Use plant-based sausage and dairy-free cheese to make a vegetarian version of this pizza.

Can I freeze leftovers?

  • Definitely: Wrap and freeze individual slices for easy reheating and enjoyment later.

What other cheeses can I use?

  • Variety: Try gouda, gruyere, or a spicy cheese like pepper jack for different flavor profiles.

How can I make the crust extra crispy?

  • Pre-Bake: Pre-bake the crust before adding toppings and ensure it is baked at a high temperature.

Can I add more vegetables?

  • Yes: Adding vegetables like bell peppers, onions, or spinach can enhance the nutritional value and flavor.

Is this dish kid-friendly?

  • Absolutely: Kids often enjoy the familiar flavors of sausage, cheese, and eggs in a fun pizza format.

What are some good side dishes?

  • Complementary Sides: Fresh fruit, light salads, or hash browns make excellent sides to serve with this pizza.


13. Conclusion

Sausage gravy breakfast pizza is a delicious and versatile dish that brings together the best of breakfast on a pizza crust. With its rich flavors and satisfying ingredients, it’s perfect for any breakfast or brunch occasion. Whether you stick to the classic recipe or experiment with your own variations, this dish is sure to become a favorite. Try making it at home and enjoy a hearty, comforting meal that everyone will love.


Outbound Links for Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza Article

  1. How to Make Homemade Pizza Dough – This guide from Simply Recipes provides a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on making pizza dough from scratch.
  2. Guide to Making Perfect Sausage Gravy – Allrecipes offers a detailed recipe and tips for making creamy and delicious sausage gravy.
  3. Egg Cooking Techniques – Explore various methods for cooking eggs, from scrambling to poaching, on the Food Network.
  4. Nutritional Benefits of Eating Eggs – Healthline discusses the numerous health benefits of including eggs in your diet.
  5. Cheese Varieties and Uses – The Spruce Eats breaks down different types of cheese and their best culinary uses.
  6. Vegetarian Sausage Alternatives – Delish lists some of the best vegetarian and vegan sausage alternatives available.
  7. Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Recipe – Minimalist Baker provides a recipe for a delicious and easy gluten-free pizza crust.
  8. History of Breakfast Pizza – Food & Wine explores the origins and evolution of breakfast pizza.
  9. Tips for Perfect Pizza Every Time – King Arthur Baking shares expert advice on achieving the perfect homemade pizza.
  10. Understanding Nutritional Labels – Mayo Clinic explains how to read and understand nutritional labels for better food choices.

These links will provide your readers with valuable additional information and resources to enhance their cooking and understanding of sausage gravy breakfast pizza.

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Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

  • Author: adminmidou
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 4-6 servings


A delicious and hearty breakfast pizza that combines the savory flavors of sausage gravy, eggs, and cheese on a crispy pizza crust. Perfect for a weekend brunch or special breakfast occasion.


  • Pizza Dough or Biscuit Dough: 1 package or homemade
  • Ground Sausage: 1 pound
  • Flour: 2 tablespoons
  • Milk: 2 cups
  • Cheese: 2 cups shredded (cheddar or mozzarella)
  • Eggs: 4 large
  • Salt and Pepper: To taste
  • Optional Toppings: Chopped vegetables (bell peppers, onions), fresh herbs (chives, parsley)


  • Prepare the Sausage Gravy
    • Cook ground sausage in a skillet over medium heat until browned.
    • Sprinkle flour over sausage and stir well to combine.
    • Gradually add milk, stirring constantly until gravy thickens.
    • Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Prepare the Crust
    • Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C).
    • Roll out pizza dough or biscuit dough to desired thickness.
    • Pre-bake the crust for about 5-7 minutes until slightly firm.
  • Assemble the Pizza
    • Evenly spread sausage gravy over the pre-baked crust.
    • Sprinkle shredded cheese over the gravy.
    • Crack eggs directly onto the pizza or add scrambled eggs.
    • Add any additional toppings.
  • Bake the Pizza
    • Bake pizza in the oven for 10-12 minutes until cheese is melted and eggs are cooked to your preference.
    • Let pizza cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.


  • For a crispy crust, ensure it is pre-baked before adding the toppings.
  • Adjust seasoning in the sausage gravy to suit your taste.
  • Customize with your favorite toppings for added flavor and nutrition.
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Category: Breakfast, Brunch
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American


  • Calories: 380
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Sodium: 750mg
  • Fat: 20g
  • Saturated Fat: 8g
  • Carbohydrates: 30g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 18g
  • Cholesterol: 180mg

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